Earlier in April, Ed and I went to Gettysburg and Antietam National Battlefields, It was a return trip to Gettysburg but Antietam was new to us. Gettysburg had just finished construction on a huge new welcome center and museum. It was quite impressive. This was my first visit to Gettysburg in which I could truly enjoy it and walk around. I even made it to the top of Little Round Top!
Ed and I have this thing for bump signs. The first one who sees a bump sign can slug the other. Ed usually sees 99% of them first. I saw this one in Gettysburg - "Bump!"
Ed took this picture of me looking at a narrative sign. He was about three stories up in an observation tower overlooking the battlefield.
We love to go on road trips, long or short. To pick a road and explore, avoiding highways and wandering two lane roads that still show the uniqueness and history of this country.