Over a week and a half around Thanksgiving, I went to Oregon to see Ed and help him through his neck surgery. We had a chance to see some of the sights before surgery and recuperation time.

Tillanook Bay

Vegas Strip from the air on the flight home

Summit of Mt. Hood above the cloud line on the flight home.

Ship wreck at Fort Stevens State Park that Ed visited as a child.

Sunset over the Pacific Ocean

Cape Foulweather where Captain Cook first visited the Pacific Northwest

Astoria Oregon sign. By the time we got to Astoria, we were losing sunlight rapidly. Too bad, there are alot of things to see there. It deserves a return visit.


Sign noting that Captain Gray was first American to set foot on the Oregon coastline at Tillanook bay.

US 101 - Pacific Coast Highway - a beautiful drive.

Getting ready for dungeness crab season in Newport which started in three days.

Crab boats

Ed after surgery - he did very well and is recuperating nicely.